From Existing Knowledge to Beyond

Satya Sen
6 min readNov 2, 2020


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

“What are the fundamental things you think we must learn in our life?”

Are they gravity, friction, pressure, force, energy, frequency, vibration? I do have some knowledge of these fundamental things in life but when I was in primary school I had hard time understanding these things correctly in a logical manner. I am from Asia country Nepal. Hi !

I was a big curious science enthusiast unless I got to know that the Modern Science is a different thing from my ideology. I used to think that science tries to explore and create in every possible way accepting all the methods of exploration, but it was different from that. I came to know about how the world is not innovation focused but business focused, how everything was business when I got a little older.

“Overcoming the difficulties of expressing things in logical manner from an inner soul knowing the idea of artificial connection so it will be easier to discuss ideas with people not having the same perception like you”.

But whatever it maybe, there was knowledge in science that made me a little comfortable talking to people on the internet about scientific ideas. There were many ideas like naming, classifications, conventions etc. Well when I was in class I didn’t care because everything was like a cult.

“Maturity to follow what you believe like a bullheaded overcoming the negative atmosphere”

Photo by Richard Gatley on Unsplash

There was a true existence of sense and energies inside me from the beginning that could differentiate what’s wrong and what’s right. But like all others you also become a part of a family, society, politics, exploitation or whatever it may be that blocks your potential on a hypocritical world.

“Looking every possible thing in terms of energy to understand the ultimate truth combining all”

Why am I even mentioning social difficulties in this story? Because I want to show you how the awake awareness of all these things automate your subconscious mind to learn an uncertainty in a more deep level. Consider everything happening on your life as an energy because only few people do.

“Unlocking other senses through existing 5 senses”

Photo by Dmitry Bayer on Unsplash

Also be aware about your senses, how much do you know about your five senses? I am asking you. If you think you know about your five senses can you call it back when it’s lost? Suppose if you loose a sense of touch can you fix it yourself without a doctor as independently as you can ? Even I cant.

“Understanding an original element of the nature fully to understand the science of manifestation of that specific thing or manifesting the other thing by a certain thing”

But we all know that nature can fix similar problems like that. A belief is not a theoretical idea. Its a well engineered energy manifestation system created by ancestors. Its just that modern people are making assumptions about whatever the practices that was done by the past civilization, now because of the majority of people, it has turned into a blind-belief system. Most of the people probably may even have left this post without reading it fully, but I have spent a lot of time to be aware of these things. I know I am here to provide the value.

“Being aware of unlimited power inside ourselves, but locked, need to unlock”

Now, there is an independent system inside our “self” which operates itself on a confidence what we call spirit, soul or whatever but I have the knowledge of it according to my place, environment, source of knowledge. A confidence which is truly a confidence and not an empty blind-belief.

“Colors as a reference medium”

In order to understand the science of confidence, we have to understand emotions that are reflected by colors. What I have found through my deep observation of life is, emotion and colors are two different relatives. People paint, draw reality, imagination etc. but what I have found more than that. We can’t see emotion so we have colors to refer to it its a common sense thing but people are not actually trying to use it in the full potential. Stuff like telekinesis is done through brainwaves but what is the ultimate energy that has no limited capacity to apply force? That’s our confidence as a tool, not just as a social life thing. Why we can raise our hand independently up to some point and we can’t use more force to levitate ourselves in the air? Something abstract controls our subconscious.

“Understanding what is intelligence from scratch”

Consider this universe as a big bubble, there are natural laws inside it.

I see everything intelligent whether that’s artificially used for the human benefit. If something doesn’t function for human’s good doesn’t mean that its not intelligent.

What do I understand as intelligent being?

Anything that provides any amount of value is intelligent in my perspective. A lying stone is intelligent, grass, sky, cloud and everything is intelligent because of their values. A thing can be intelligent in a unique as well as same way like the others. We increase the intellect of natural elements by putting it into a certain shape.

A design is not functionally intelligent but its intelligent in so many other ways to provide value. When it comes to a functionally intelligent thing here is the matter,

We see iron, magnet, copper wire. What are we going to do with it? We make a motor. A motor is more intelligent because it can spin very fast with the help of battery. All elements combined together as a whole produce more intelligence as a phenomenon but at some lower level it was already intelligent from the beginning as a separate entity.

“Realization of what controls the intelligence of existing entities”

We don’t realize that something manipulating a pattern. We made motor by combining things into a certain pattern. What is making intelligence based upon a certain pattern, the answer is, the big bubble universe, I consider the big bubble universe because on a vacuum its little bit easy to be aware of the pressure, just to understand. When we are conscious about this we can understand things infinitely. Its a new path for unlocking many mysteries.

“Preserving the self-child mystical perceptions”

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Well its not about knowing a lot of the things we know, its about perceptional execution of energies practically. When we are kids our skin and senses are new. People often talk about a child’s curiosity and imagination but we should also know that a child has mystical perceptions which he/she is not mature about being aware and later a child forgets everything when he/she becomes an adult. The degradation of freshness can be easily noticed in the examination of the difference between child’s body and an adult.

I have caged all of these things from my childhood and I am constantly learning through meditation so, I am able to write about these stuff.

Preserving the mystical sensations from our early senses of our childhood is more than precious because in order to be able to manually control abstract energies when we become mature than a child, we need to cage these perceptions in a certain shape strongly as possible.

“Combining our sense and intellect”

With our sense we can determine our abstract journey while, with our intellect we can creatively execute an occult. We manipulate entities of the universe to receive an unexpected output which is uncertain.

